: Welcome Mat of My Mind,
Sneaking Suspicions, Envy Becomes a Motherfunker, Haters,
Please, In Danger of Deceit, Heavy Thoughts Here my Friend,
Unhealthy Aversion to Tribe Mentality, Clique Clash or
Friends As Foes, Gaining Steam As a Cordial Misanthrope, Regarding
Jazz & White Women, March of the Dissidents, We're
Not In Kansas Anymore, You Humor Me, Truly, Pretentious I, Nothin'
Funny 'bout That, Depressed Russians in Space, Can't Take
the Metal Outta Me , Falling Off the Evil Wagon, Conspirators
Diatribe, Angry Robots, Down, But Hopeful, Little Time
Alone , Violent Wankery, Aggressive Repeat Offender, Reflecting
Indecision, I Over U, Farewells Are Saddish. |