~  AFTER  TEA  ~


Hollande  -  psychédélique / rock  -  ***


Groupe fondé en 1967 par  
Hans van Eyck  et  Polle Eduard ,
deux ex-membres de  
Tee Set .
 Cette compilation couvre la période la plus psychédélique ( 1967-69 ).



Hans  Van Eijck  -  claviers, chant -
Martin  Hage  -  batterie -
 Polle  Eduard  -  basse, guitare, chant -
Ray  Fenwick  -  guitare, chant -
Ferry  Lever  -  guitare, chant -
Ilja  Gort  -  batterie -
Pierre  Van Der Linden  -  batterie -
Uly  Grün  -  claviers -

www.youtube.com/We Will Be There After Tea


not just a flower in your hair
( compilation )   ( 2002 )

 titres : not just a flower in your hair, the time is high,
 we will be there... after tea, lemon coloured honey tree,  snowflakes on Amsterdam, cotton blossom floating palace  showboat, peruquine Thomas, Lily of the valley, love in  jeopardy, sound of a backstreet, blues ride, a little bit  today (a little bit tomorrow), gotta get you in my garden  girl, a lot to do, In the land of the bubblegum tree, a  perfect way to spend a day, don't waste your love on me,  national disaster, long ago, play that record, been a sad  day, It's too late.


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